Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 | 9:55 p.m.


Well, ive had a long weekend and im happy to say that i actually loved it. My mom is letting me keep Aeris here as a trial run to see if everything will go okay. I hope it does. Except i hope that she doesnt begin to stink and doesnt make loud noises while im trying to sleep. And if she does, then ill send her to Brents apartment. I think my mom really likes her. Shes making Brent stay the night tonight so he doesnt have to drive home hehe.

I might be getting a rental car tomorrow after school. My parents are taking my car to the body shop and theyll going to be told if we or the other guy caused the wreck. Theres a chance we might even have to go to court and i hope it doesnt come to that. I hope its the other guys fault..actually, i know it is, i just hope everyone else knows that...or something like that...

I dont think i have to go to school friday hehe. Thatd be awesome. I think Brent and i are going to pick up Lynn, that is, if shes still ocming. I hope so hehe. My mom is leaving on thursday and my stepdad and brother are leaving on friday :) Yup...

Well, i need to be going to bed now.


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