Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 | 11:45 p.m.

Grad Night Is Near

Not a whole happened today. Brent called me at 7:30 this morning and asked me to come over. Of course i was still asleep and very tired and i said no but i eventually just told him id come over only if he came to pick me up. So he did :) Then after being there for 2 hours, i was stricken was major cramps...After 3 hours i decided just to come home. So we came back and he had been up all night so i let him take a nap and watched some shows on VH1 and then Gabriele came over and we went to WalMart and Blockbuster and then she left and then i woke up Brent and i had rented a game last night only to find out today that they gave me the wrong game so we went to Gamestop and just bought the game, which is The Suffering, a really good game on PS2. Brent got a game card for his Star Wars game..blah..then we came back home and ate dinner and Gabriele and Mark came over and we watched..well i basically watched Unfaithful.. they watched it almost completely through before they were making out. Which kindof pissed me off b/c you just dont do that at someone elses house ya know. I mean, i dont go over there to her house or his house and makeeout with Brent.. disrespectful...

I made beach reservations for the 21st of May. The day after graduation. Its just Brent and I going this time. No one else. We'll be gone for 10 days. Graduation is almost here and im getting more nervous every day. In a way, i kindof hope that i didnt pass those 2 parts of the graduation so that i wont have to deal with my nerves and in a way i hope i did. But whatever happens, ill be fine. Besides, ill have all day that day to pack for the beach and ill have graduation practice at 1:30 that day so itll be pretty much booked up..assuming that i passed those 2 parts of the exams. Im just wondering when we're getting the results back.....Should be sometime soon. We got our invitations Thursday. We get our caps and gowns on the 20th and then 2 days later we have cap and gown pictures...*sighs*

Im sleepy..

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