Friday, Jun. 27, 2003 | 9:20 p.m.


Well, here goes another new diary. I think this is my 4th one! Ill put my other old diaries in my profile except for ElfPrincess0. But you can go read them whenever you like coz im just gonna pick up where i left off at.

Brent came over to see me last night. We had an awesome talk. I love Brent sooooo very much. He is my entire world. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Im so excited! Brent is the best thing thats ever happened to me. And im never going to let him go. Ah i cant wait until we get married! Even though that might be a year or so away. But in the mean time, theres plenty of things for me to be looking forward to. =) Lala i cant wait to see him again. I love Brent.


Love is such a general, generic, vague word. What EXACTLY does it mean, though? What IS love? How do you know when you're in love? Sure, you say it to someone when you know, but when, where, how, what has to happen to you to know it's love?

Some people, when defining love, would go the easy, Hallmark card, every-romantic-movie-ever route, and begin down a path of long diatribe about how the boy has to give the girl a dozen roses and open her door for her, and the girl must smile shyly and wink her eyes at the boy to show her feeling. There will be a description of a romantic, passionate kiss on the beach underneath the moonlight with the waves lapping up on the shore in this silly peron's explaination, most likely, and they will insist that for love to be present there must be candelight and slow songs and dancing and holding of hands. "And that," the tired speaker will say after their lengthy, predictable soliloquey, "is love."

I don't necessarily agree - yes, it is fun for all of those things to happen between you and your love. And, I mean, who doesn't like getting flowers? Kisses are wonderful, woohoo - bring them on, but I don't think that is how I would describe love, I don't find the typical romantic state of mind to be an inescapable requirement for two people to love.

Love is when you get off of your lazy bum every single day right at the time you know the mail arrives, to go out and see if you got a letter from your valentine.

Love is when you do, in fact, get that letter, you read it 3 times in a row right then and there, running into objects around you because you are so focased, reading and re-reading every word six different ways, feeling the sentiments throughout you, where others just see words.

Love is when something happens to you, you have the flu, you have to get stitches in your cheek, you get stung by a jellyfish and your left eye swells shut for a bit (yes, all three of those are personal examples, harsh I know) and, even though you look and feel horrible, your sweetheart absolutely insists on putting their arms around you and kissing your hideous face. Love is when you are in pain and the feeling of them holding on to your hand makes you so completely and utterly happy you find yourself crying now from the pain, but from the feeling inside you that has snuck up on you in stealth love mode.

Love is when they think that they are a wonderful singer, and in some external way, you know they aren't quite as good as they think, but when they try and woo you, you completely melt - we're talking ice cream in hell here.

Love is laughing about absolutely nothing, and talking until 2 in the morning on the telephone about disney movies.

Love is being away from that person for a long time and knowing when they come back it will be like you saw them yesterday.

Love is comfortable and stability - Love is security and trust.

It would be too easy to say that Love is just love, but that is what it is. It is a gerneral, generic, vague word because to list all of the ways you feel for them, think of them, remember them when they're gone, look at them when they're with you, and want for them when they're right beside you, would take too long. And so, when someone is in love, and they stand face to face with the person that makes their arms useless and their knees buckle, they say those words that make them fall to peices - no, not "i love you" - the words they say could be "hey babe" or "whats up" or "lets go" - because when you're in love, it doesn't matter what the words you say are. It is about something bigger, something better, something more indescribable and impalpable - it is simply about the love.

I have found my one true love. The love that i have from Brent is enough to last thru many lifetimes alone.

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