Saturday, Dec. 06, 2003 | 8:15 p.m.

A Month Later

Wow, its been a long time. Exactly a month today. Hehe, that is the longest time ive eer let my diary updating go. I just recently got a video game to play online called The Sims hehe and ive met some pretty cool people on there so forgive me if i dont update too often anymore :)

Ie recently came down with the flu (amazing,i know, seeing as how i dont ever get seriously sick!). I went to the doctor thursday with a sore throat and found out i had a temperature of 101 and that i had the flu. I got some medicine but that made me sick to my stomach yesterday and thankfully Brent was here with me :) He held my hair back lol.. i thought id share that with you guys lol. But yesterday morning , my temp was 102!! Hehe. Luckily it went or else id probably still be in the hospital lol. Im feeling much better today and i havent had a fever all day hehe. Im still a bit sleepy though. Brent got me a get well card and 2 bags of suckers, a bag or M&M's and 3 balloons, 2 get well balloons and the other was an i love you balloon hehe. I havent really eaten much today, just chicken noodle soup and an apple that im currently munching on. Hopefully ill be much better tomorrow. I cant wait to eat food lol. You guys have no idea how much it sucks to not be able to eat regualr food like pizza and cake.

Brent's 19th birthday was yesterday. I had planned something fun and special but since i was sick, i couldnt do anything. :( Ill make it up to him ;) Hehe.

Im passing my anatomy class with a 65 hehe. I hope ill keep the grade up so i can pass it. Now all i need to do is bring up my journalism grade... i hate that teacher..argh... We only have about 2 weeks of school left! This week in home ec, we're baking christmas goods for the teachers. Mostly stuff like cookies, a train made out of candies for a center piece, a village made out of graham crackers and etc. It should be fun. I cant wait until christmas gets here though.

Mark and Gabriele and Brent and I have decided to rent an apartment together in May. We're all going to live there but when summer ends, Brent will have to go back to Auburn but he'll be home every weekend. Hopefully everything will turn out alright hehe. Gabby wrote me a letter. Hehe i was happy to have gotten it yesterday. Mark brought it to me. Im going to write her back Monday in school. Kellie moved to Colorado :( Heopfully everything will work out for her there. Gabs comes home on Christmas Eve :) I need to get shopping for peoples christmas presents.. i hate doing cards??? Lol...

Anyways im going to stop here for the night~

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