Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 | 7:53 p.m.

Off To College He Went

I went with Brent and his mom to Auburn yesterday and helped Bent move some stuff into his apartment. Its an alright apartment i suppose...The apt smelled like cigarette smoke so his mom sprayed Frebreze everywhere and we unpacked all the stuff, we went to WalMart and got a few things and Brent wanted to paint his walls so he picked out a color and then after that we stopped by Checkers and got some food and then went back to his place and ate it and then Brent and his mom painted his wall ( the other part of the walls are wood type thingys) and then we left and went back to WalMart and got Brent some more paint. This time, he got navy blue, yeah the Auburn colors, and he also got orange. Hes going to paint the whole walla navy blue and then do the AU symbols in the center. After WalMart we went back to his house and he put together a clothes hamper and i watched a Fraggle Rock episode that i had downloaded a few weeks back. Then we ate pizza, snuggled on his bed and then he brought me home and we snuggled some more....

Brent moved the last of his stuff in today so he no longer lives at home anymore. I got to talk to him for a little bit today before his cell phone started dying =( He starts band camp on Tuesday so he might come over tomorrow after he gets done taking care of things with school i guess.. he said hed try his best so hopefully he'll get to come and see me... He has band camp all next weekend too. He might come over on Saturday but his band camp doesnt end until 7pm but who knows... I miss him terribly though.. Im all lonely. Ive really got no one to talk to....

I found out who my homeroom teacher is so i suppose ill get my new schedule then.. well im going to go eat now.. i might update either tomorrow or tuesday..

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