Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 | 12:54 a.m.

It's To Be Expected

The trip to my grandmothers house wasnt all that great. I got there and was so ready to go home. My cousins were annoying, except Monica, she was okay. I mostly sat in front of the tv and played FFX. And my aunt (the one who called my mom that day while Kellie, Brent and I were up there)came up behind me as i was getting some ice and said, " well hello Jamie" and all i did was mumble hi back to her and she said " so nice of you to say something." Blah. Its to be expected from her. In my family, everyone has favorites, depsite what they say. Take my aunt for example. Her favorite niece would be Valene. My grandmother and grandfathers favorite grandchild is my brother. I dont think my other aunt ( the other one who lives here) has any favorites at the moment...*shrugs* I was really bored up there. I called Brent at 7:30PM and he was already asleep so i stayed up til about 1:30 or 2am and watched Even Stevens and Boy Meets World. Then i fell asleep. I was glad to be home. Although i didnt miss the 8-9AM phone calls we get every morning from either Tim or Jonathon.

I got to hang out with Brent yesterday and today. I always enojy hanging out with him. Its fun. And did i mention that hes super cuddly? Hehe. He left his laptop here last night =) I got to play on it and i had alot of fun. He has really great taste in music. Brent and I rented Final Destination 2 last night and thats a really cool movie. Its alot bloodier than the first one was. I bet it was awesome seeing it in theaters.. hehe. Brent and I also went and saw 28 Days Later at the Rave on Monday night. That was an okay movie. Not that great. I think it was a British independent film. And a couple nights before that, Kellie, Jonathon, Brent and me went and saw Terminator 3. That was an okay movie too. It had really good special effects. waiting for Brent to get online...hes suppose to get online when got home...I dont know if he is or not though coz he was tired..i might just call his cell here in a few mintues to see if hes getting on...

My mom and stepdad bought 2 new hamster cages for Abigail and Amber. They're pretty cool. Abby chewed the things that held her water bottle so i put the new one in her old cage and she couldnt climb on it or chew it and so shed lay underneath the water bottle just trying to figure out how to chew on it lol. But their new cages are cool and the water bottle is outside of the cage but the thingy for them to drink from is inside the cage. Its pretty cool. Its got an enclosed wheel thats outside of the cage for them to play in. And theres really no way for them to get out hehe. I like this cage better than her old one. But the wheel is still noisy and since my brother is gone, i just put Abby in his bedroom with Amber. Duckie doesnt really make any noise but if she does tonight then she can join Abby and Amber since Kellie isnt here hehe.


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