Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 | 12:33 a.m.

Too Far Away For Me To Hold...

Well, i got myself another new template. I like this fairy template. Its pretty cool looking. Kindof reminds me of something Brent would draw for me.

Brent came over again today. My mom and stepdad decided to go out to dinner with their friends so my mom let us order pizza. We also got to go to Blockbuster and rent some movies. I rented A Guy Thing, which was an okay movie, quite funny. I got my parents The Hot Chick to watch, which i might watch tomorrow and Brent and my brother both got games. Brents been taking my PS2 home because his doesnt work and hes playing FF8 again. Which is a pretty cool game. He said Ranoa, however you spell her name, reminds him of me sometimes hehe =) Ive gotten pretty far on my Kingdom Hearts game. Im at the part where i have to fight Rikku again.. i think thats his name. Anyways, im pretty much at the very last battle sequences... im not sure whats next though.

On Tuesday, i have to go to Tuscaloosa with my mom and brother because my grandmother is coming home from West Virgina and my mom thinks we all need to go see her since we havent seen her in over 2 months..whoopiedy doooo, who cares... I know thats mean of me to say, but i dont like going up there without Brent and oh yah, he cant go...i dunno why...but i figured it had to do with what happened that one day while we were all up there. Its pretty much boring up there, unless i go out with Lynn. Which i might see if she can come stay the night with me. All there really is at my grandmothers house is the pool and tv and a computer at my aunts house which isnt really all that cool because ive got a 13 year old cousin constantly in the room, reading over my shoulder. I dont know what time im coming home Wednesday either..grr. Im taking my PS2 though. And i think i might layout all day when i get up there on Tuesday and possibly on Wednesday. Blah, Kellie cant go because she has to stay home and run Tim to places. She could go, but theres no one to take care of Tims stuff Wednesday..damn it Tim... =) Oh well, itll do me a little good to be away from Millbrook for a little while... Brent can call anywhere in Alabama for free on his cell so atleast i can talk to him. And maybe ill spend the night down at my aunts house so that i can get online and talk to him.....*shrugs*

I got my cartledge pierced on Thursday. It hurt but not tooooo bad. Its kindof sore now because i sit and play with it. I like it. Its pretty cool...

Everything with my credits should be fixed when school starts. We found out that Mr. Fryer hadnt given me back my credits from my 10th grade year yet when he told my mom at the begining of 2nd semester of last year that he had. But he said that once they get their software back online, hed take a look at it and Mrs. Powers moved my file over into the senior files. So i should be a senior..I might need to ask my mom a few days before school to cll and see if their software is back online and if so, to make sure im a senior and etc. Just incase they forget...cuz they probably will..stupid people..jeez...

Brent and I are going to continue to talk to each before school in the mornings like we did last year. Except, im gonna call him since ive got free long distance anywhere teehee. And i think im going to be going to Auburn every other weekend after i turn 18. My mom said id be 18 and it didnt really matter if i went or not. I told her about it and she didnt say no soo.. hehe...yep, well its late and i need to go to bed.

Oh, Shimmer by Fuel is my favorite song of all time. It makes me think of Brent because he plays it alot on his laptop sometimes which makes me wonder if when he plays it, hes thinking of me..hmm...


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