Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 | 1:05 a.m.

Mission Impossible

Brent and I talked about what happened last night and we got over it and moved on. And we didnt break. I was just afraid that he would break up with me. I wasnt going to break up with him =) We're still together. I honestly dont think we'll ever break up and if we dont, we wont be apart for long. It seems like Paul and Jason (both or either one of them) wants to break Brent and me up. They're going to have quite a time doing that especially since we know that they're planning on that. They can try if they must but our love is powerful and its gonna be hard to break. They can try but i can honestly say they're not going to get very far at all. Its actually quite pathetic. Some people just need to mind their own business and worry about their own non-existent relationships. Or atleast worry about the ones they are in..But try if you must but youll more than likely fail. I shall call it " Mission Impossible." Lol. That was wismadic of me..

I got to see Brent today. He came over for a little while because my parents had gone to the race track with their friends. We leveled up my people on FFX and we're going to continue doing that tomorrow also. I at the part where i have to defeat Seymour again.. jeez.. this guy just doesnt get it.. My grandparents are suppose to come down tomorrow, as well as my brother. Brent might come over tomorrow again also heh. Hopefully he will. I've got a cold bleah.. colds totally suck....*sniffles*

Today has not been a good day for me..

Blah.. i may have a fever...

I'm hot.

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