Monday, Jul. 28, 2003 | 9:42 p.m.

Of The Norm

Today has been kindof boring... i didnt really talk to Brent today... i tried calling him but his line is busy. His mom probably took the phone off the hook and hes probably asleep anyways. I have to call and wake him up tomorrow morning at 8am so that he can go with me to my brothers freshmen orientation since my mom has to clean. Im not sure if Kellie is going but shes suppose to.

Ive still got my cold. I think i might be losing my voice, but im not sure. My mom said that if i havent gotten any better by Wednesday, i have to go see the doctor. I told her the only way id go is if Brent will go wih me and knowing my mom, she'll probably tell the doctor about the knot behind me ear... =( I really miss Brent. Next week, we start school. Blah.. we had such a short summer... =( Anyways, my mom is suppose to call or see Mrs. Powers again to make sure that they fixed my credits and that i am for 100% going to be a senior. So hopeflly they will have their software up and running and hopefully we can all get our schedules..yup..

I miss Brent.

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