Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 | 9:08 p.m.

Pointless Entry

Today has been a slow day. Brent came home last night and spent the night here. We went to the football game last night and as soon as we sat down, it started to pour down rain! We didnt leave so we got completely soaked from head to toe. Heh it wasnt that much fun but it got kindof cold after it rained = Anyways, i had to wake Matthew up at 4:45am this morning so that he could be back in Auburn for band practice, which was at 7:15am. He wasnt feeling good this morning but he just called me a few minutes ago and he sounded okay. But i made him a get well card and a get well picture. Hopefully he wont doze off while hes driving here tonight. He'll prolly wanna sleep as soon as he gets here but im gonna ask him to cuddle with me first hehe. Blah but he wont be here until like 11-12 =( =(

My birthday party is next sunday. I think im just going to have it at Ryans. *Shrugs* Brents parents might come too. Im worried that they might feel weird of left out but im gonna try and spend most of my time talking to them, as well as my friends. If any of them come. Gabby might come and i know brent will be there. I hope he gets me lots of presents but only one will do. Id be nice if i could have a promise ring or something of the sort but i know he doesnt have that much money to spend on me coz he needs to save it for food and etc. =) But im not worried about that. All i need is him. =) *Sighs* I love him so much. I cant wait to see him!

Anyways, i cant wait until i get my car. Im prolly going to get it on my birthday or the day after. I cant wait! When i get back from WV im going shopping and then that weekend, im going to Auburn. I might even get to go shopping before i go to wv but im going to definitely get some new earrings for my cartledge piercing. Yep...

Well, i guess this entry will do..

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