Sunday, Jul. 06, 2003 | 10:43 p.m.

This Time Around


His name: Brent

His age: 18

How many months are u apart: A year and 9 months apart.

How long have you been together: A year and 3 months

How Long did you know each other before you got together?: Probably a month or 2.

What physical feature attracted you to him first?: His face and body.

Eye color: They're like a turquoise color.

Hair color: Orange hehe =)

Hair style: Its short at the moment

Normal Outfit: Jeans and a shirt.

How did you meet: Beau and Gabby gave him my sn and he IMed me


How serious is it: Pretty serious.

Do you love him: Yep

Does he love you: Yep

Do your parents like him: I suppose they do but i dont really care.

Do you trust him: Yup, with my life.

Would you share a toothbrush with him: Um...i suppose i would..

Does he let you wear his pants: Umm yeah ive had them on before and ive asked him if i could wear a pair and he said yeah so...

Do you have a shirt of his to sleep in that smells like him: Yeah, ive got tons of shirts that belong to him.. not to mention his pillow...

Do you like the way he smells: Lol..depends... if hes outside all hot and sweaty, then no but after he showers and etc then yeah.

Can you picture having kids with him: Sure can...

What do you like the most about him: His gentleness...his kindness, sweetness, politness... and s o on..

What bothers you the most about him: Um.. his absent mindness, forgetfulness, always tired....

Does he have a temper: Um...not really.. but he *can* have one.

What did he give you for the last gift giving occasion: Umm...a few days ago, i got a new carebear with a video and a few days before that, he bought me a rose and a balloon that says i love you on it.

What you get him: Um...nothing yet...

What is the best present he's ever given you: Umm everything is good when it comes from him..

Does he have a cute nickname for you: Heh.. yeah Jamiepooh or honey or baby..

Do you have a nickname for him: Yeah, Brentybear and honey.

Are you happy to be with him: Definitely!!!!!

Do you think you could do better: No, i really dont think i can.

Does he embarrass you in public: Lol... nope.

Whats his most attractive feature: His eyes and his face... i dunno, everything i guess.

Does he smoke or do drugs?: Nope.


Does he have any peircings?: Nopedy nope nope nope

Does he have any scars that you know of?: Yeah, theres one on his chin i think, from a car accident, 2 on his eyebrow thingym 1 from an accident and the other one is from where i bit him accidently... i think thats all...

Is he a Party boy or Stay at home?: Mostly a stay at home but he does kindof have a party side sometimes ;)

Is he Outgoing or Shy?: Shy

Does he love his mama?: Yeah


Does he pay for dates - Yep

Does he kiss on the first date - Actually, i dont think he does.

Call you hunny, sweetie, or baby - Yep! =)

Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends - Yup

Would he hang out with you and HIS friends - Yeah


Play Football - No

Baseball - No

Basketball - No

Soccer - No

Lacrosse - No

Water Polo - No

Swim - Not on the swim team but he goes swimming.

Surf - No, unless you count body boarding

Skateboard - I think so

Wakeboard - Im not sure.

Wrestle- Heh, only with me =)

Sing - no

Think Justin Timberlake is gay - Yeah

Call Other Guys - Umm yeah sometimes

Wears Underwear - Yeah and boxers

Use the word dude - Yeah

Use the word tight - No i dont think he does


Tomorrow, Kellie, Brent and I are going to my grandmothers house. My little cousin, Monica, whos 10, i think, is having surgery on her tonsils so we all decided that this would be a good day for all 3 of us to go up there since my aunt would be busy with Monica. Today was kindof a boring day. Not much happened. I watched E.T. tonight and i think E.T. is so very cute. Hehe. I remember laying on my cousins floor, Mary Beth, and watching that movie while she cooked lunch.... she had a A.C. unit in her window and a body type of pillow that you could lay up against on. Sometimes i miss those suppose to call Brent tomorrow morning on his cell at 6am to wake him up. His truck wouldnt start today b/c of the battery and so hes gonna try and start it in the morning and come over and if it doesnt start then he can jump start it from his mom or dads car. Thats why i have to call him early but Kellie and I dont have to get up until he arrives i suppose... we'll prolly sleep until 7:30 or 8...i took 2 tylonel PM's so that i could be sleepy in a little while and hopefully ill be sleepy before 3am tonight.. im hoping for around mindnight...or even earlier.. but who knows...

I love Brent.

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