Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 | 9:48 p.m.

An Update

Yes, i know i havent updated in a while but honestly, does anyone read this? Didnt think so. So, does it matter if i update or not? Its really hot in my room... and i think my parents have the air running.. its like 70 outside or something. We're suppose to get some storms tonight but they're not here yet and i hope ill be able drive to auburn tomorrow! Im so excited about going and if i cant go, im going to be majorly disappointed. I think Brent and Beau and James are having band practice tomorrow night...which is honestly getting kindof old.....i get bored just sitting there and watching....

School is going fine. I havent been stressed out yet...but im sure i will be around the end of Feb and beginning of March when we have to take the exit exam. Ive got to pass 2 more in order to pass so everyone pray for me that ill pass the math and social studies of the exam. Yup...

THe belly button ring is doing just great. Its not sore or infected or anything. Im starting to go to the tanning bed so im going to have to change it and put in a retainer and hopefully that wont hurt it at all... hehe...anyways...this is it for the night...

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